Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tips on Caring for Newly Purchased Puppy

When the good times come when your home a new family member coming of a puppy that is small and cute. All the best things given to him. But a few days later a very annoying problem arises your mind. Your beloved puppy will not eat, stress, diarrhea, etc..

To avoid the above, please you follow these tips:

Once you buy a new puppy arrives home, put your dog in a quiet place. Do not be invited to play for 2-3 hours beforehand. Let him adapt to the new environment.

Do not directly be fed, this is often done by the owner of a new puppy. The new puppies arrive at new home when in good health would immediately eat the food given although he still stress. Should be fed 12 hours after she arrived home. Dogs are fed directly by the time she comes problems will usually appear a few days later, as the hunger strike.

Provide food in moderation, do not continue to be fed if the given portion is up. A healthy puppies will definitely spend eating how much else there until his stomach is full. Most food causes diarrhea.

New dog (regardless of age) should not be bathed or given the vaccination at least 1 week since he arrived.

The new puppies would cry in a few days.

When she was crying, so be it. This will take about 2-3 days.

Health checks you buy a new dog to the vet.

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